
Reflection on how to respond more effectively to student diversity and make schools more inclusive is a constant of the current literature. The aim of this paper is to present some of the impressions received by a Spanish researcher after visiting three English schools classified as Academies (independent public schools that manage their budget and are free to innovate in the curriculum they teach). This casuistry makes new ways of carrying out the teaching-learning process and the attention of students, which is relevant to their inquiry reconsideration. In this regard, case studies descriptive nature with the most significant data from interviews with several of the components of the management and teaching equipment of these schools is presented. Under the annotations in the field diary used, the findings indicate a number of areas for concern to the Spanish reality. Including: (1) diversity management in the English context includes teaching programming from a multilevel perspective, with which it is most appropriately responds to different levels of curricular presented by the students and a coordinator special educational needs, which favors teachers shared responsibility of the supports; (2) the development of networks of cooperation between establishments enables schools to share experiences and resources, which can be very beneficial for attention to student diversity; (3) the movement of school without walls commitment to active participation local community, families, volunteers and other agents and services, and (4) collaborative teacher training school team gives teachers the opportunity to update skills with their colleagues.

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