
This essay presents an analysis and interpretation of seven stories of ghosts –aparecidos- from Ecuador. In order to achieve that goal, the question ‘How is the iconic-allegoric representation of supernatural built upon the selected stories?’ is posed. To answer that question the kinetic and proxemic spaces of the stories are analyzed. From these two semiotic categories the one that stands out is the iconic image, as the shaping force of the spaces for supernatural, linked to the geographic spaces where the plot takes place. Fantastic effects emerge from this relation between natural space and geographic space. Nevertheless, in some of the stories the dominating presence of the moralizing allegory destroys the perception of the fantastic as in “Vico and the Goblin”, “The Dwarf (Goblin)”, and to a large extent in “Mariangula”. On the other hand, other stories, such as “The tormented soul” the iconic image of supernatural is enriched with the incorporation of the rite and the symbol.

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