
«Hygienism» was a medical doctrine which incorporated the social features that were directly related to disease into its treatment. One of the fields where hygienic doctrine had most influence was on the exercise of prostitution. This was because the study of the causes that originated prostitution and the series of moral prophylactic measures that were introduced to halt prostitution were both added to medical practice. It was through these methods that the medical profession tried to control and shape social behaviour and to prevent the effects of contagious venereal and syphilitic diseases. These elements were reflected in the regulation of prostitution that was adopted in the most important cities in Spain from the middle of the nineteenth century onwards. In this legislation the creation of Sections of special hygiene was included. These were designed to record, prevent and control the exercise of prostitution, as well as all the illnesses derived from it. In the city of Barcelona, during the Restauration, the Section of special hygiene under Carlos Ronquillo´s government focused particularly on the treatment of prostitution as a social disease and on the female prostitute as a victim of the precarious social and labour circumstances of the working class in the late nineteenth-century industrial city.


  • a medical doctrine which incorporated the social features that were directly related to disease into its treatment

  • most influence was on the exercise ofprostitution

  • This was because the study of the causes that originated prostitution

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RAFAEL ALCAIDE GONZÁLEZ Universidad de Barcelona

RESUMEN: El higienismo fue una doctrina médica que incorporó al tratamiento de la enfermedad los aspectos sociales que estaban en relación directa con ella. Uno de los campos donde la doctrina higiénica tuvo mayor incidencia fue en el ejercicio de la prostitución, pues a la práctica médica habitual se sumó tanto el estudio de las causas que determinaban su ejercicio como la inclusión de una serie de medidas profilácticas de contenido moral, mediante las que se pretendía controlar y moldear el comportamiento social y prevenir los efectos del contagio de las enfermedades venéreas y sifilíticas. En Barcelona, durante la Restauración, la Sección de Higiene especial, presidida por Carlos Ronquillo, tuvo una especial incidencia en el tratamiento de la prostitución como enfermedad social y de la mujer prostituta como víctima de las precarias circunstancias sociales y laborales del proletariado, en la ciudad industrial definalesdel siglo XIX. En gran medida, todos aquellos aspectos que el higienismo trataba de mejorar, en especial aquellos relacionados con la proliferación de enfermedades debidas a la presencia de grandes concentraciones de población que se hacinaban en viviendas malsanas, situadas en barrios insalubres de callejuelas estrechas y malolientes, desprovistas de las más elementales medidas de higiene

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