
This dissertation deals with the problems and the opportunities of a semiotic approach to perception. Is perception, seen as the ability to detect and articulate an coherent picture of the surrounding environment, describable in semiotic terms? Is it possibile, for a discipline wary of any attempt to reduce semiotic meaning to a psychological and naturalized issue, to come to terms with the cognitive, automatic and genetically hard-wired specifics of our perceptive systems? In order to deal with perceptive signs, is it necessary to modify basic assumptions in semiotics, or can we simply extend the range of our conceptual instruments and definitions? And what if perception is a wholly different semiotic machinery, to be considered as sui generis, but nonetheless interesting for a general theory of semiotics? By exposing the major ideas put forward by the main thinkers in the semiotic field, Mattia de Bernardis gives a comprehensive picture of the theoretical situation, adding to the classical dichotomy between structuralist and interpretative semiotics another distinction, that between homogeneist and etherogeneist theories of perception. Homogeneist semioticians see perception as one of many semiotic means of sign production, totally similar to the other ones, while heterogeneist semioticians consider perceptive meaning as essentially different from normal semiotic meaning, so much so that it requires new methods and ideas to be analyzed. The main example of etherogeneist approach to perception in semiotic literature, Umberto Eco’s “primary semiosis” is then presented, critically examined and eventually rejected and the homogeneist stance is affirmed as the most promising path towards a semiotic theory of perception.

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