
Despite the fact that in 2021 the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation demanded that the Legislative Power prepare a new "General Law of SocialCommunication" before the end of the ordinary period of the LXV Legislature, which would sufficiently remedy the obligations related to the distribution of the government advertising established in the Constitutional Reform of Telecommunications and Broadcasting of 2014, the Congress of the Union did not comply with such institutional obligation. Said relevant contempt allowed the toxic "Chayote Law" to continue in force, becoming an intentional act of political-institutional rebellion against the core nature of the republican State, the historical foundation of the Mexican nation. Therefore, it is essential that civil society demand that the Congress of the Union repeal the current General Law of Social Communication and prepare a new legal framework that does not repeat the vices of the "Chayote Law” but complies with the basic constitutional precepts. defense of freedom of expression, the right to information, the rights of audiences, especially, in a context as fragmented and polarized as the one experienced in the country.

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