
The present investigation shows the way to work the psychomotricity as a tool of the therapeutic game implemented in a Multisensory Stimulation Center (CEMS) which is located in the Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc, Puebla, Mexico. The objectives are: a) Determine the level of psychomotor development in preschoolers, b) Develop a plan of playful strategies that contribute to psychomotor development, c) Evaluate the psychomotor development of children once the activities have been implemented. For this, educational activities were designed with third year preschool children, where previously a group of children was assessed using a specific test to determine their level of psychomotricity according to their development, which were reported by their teachers. Subsequently, the population to work was selected and a series of activities supported by means of therapeutic play were established, in such a way that they potentiated their psychomotor development. Finally, the contribution of this research is to demonstrate the impact that is obtained in psychomotor development through therapeutic play in preschool children.

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