
This article presents a compilation of stories and experiences of the Ecuadorian immigrants that lives in Spain. In a precise way, the study is carried out in the Province of Alicante, considering Ecuadorians who lead associations or groups whose work that support and give assistance to their fellows who come from the same country. The integration of all the activities they and how it improves the local development of this land should be study, in order to determine the impact of its permanence in Alicante, as well as the incidence of its presence in the social and economical issues. The economical crisis in Spain and the better quality of living in Ecuador could be enough for some of them to come back to their country, as result they may leave Alicante, driven by the difficulty to deal with others and the Spanish population. The this scene indicates that there are conditions that overcome the material deficiencies and the access to the quality employment in the province, although there is a positive change of living in Ecuador but it is not enough in the short term.

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