
Although joint farming is in the center oj present interest it is not yet very Well \nown. Up to the present time, agriculture has been to a great extent an enterprise where most oj the inputs are self supplied and where the farmer carries on numerous activities. Technical progress has brought about a slow evolution especially in the ancillary farm activities. In the beginning mechanization does not bring about any structural change. But when it develops, it forces the farmers to group their farms or to give them up. The integration phenomenon which has been spectacular in poultry breeding could affect other branches of production in the coming years. « Industrial and commercial joint farming » would help farmers to \eep the control over ancillary activities. Ambitious farmers would he able to participate in big modern enterprises with joint management. The cooperatives would profit by this situation. The events that upset the organization and the external relations of a farm claim new research methods. This group farming could accomplish the transition from a self supplied agriculture to an industrial agriculture. This would be a conspicuous experience if the farmers could ^eep their decision power.

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