
Vinuela, J., Casas, F., Diaz-Fernandez, S., Delibes-Mateos, M., Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B. (2013). The red-legged partridge ( Alectoris rufa ) in Spain: a threatened game species. Ecosistemas 22(2):6-12. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.2013.22-2.02 We review scientific knowledge on red-legged partridge ecology and management, focusing on recent studies. Red-legged partridge is a greatly valued game species, whose conservation status has been, and probably still is, poor. In small-game hunting estates, great efforts are devoted to red-legged partridge management, but many practices are applied without knowing their real consequences for partridge populations. Reviewed studies show that the most successful management options to increase the abundance of the species, allowing a sustainable harvest, would include an adequate adjustment of annual harvest to partridge abundance, appropriate habitat management promoting the presence of natural vegetation within the farmland matrix and field edges, and water and food supplementation. Information about the efficacy of predator control to increase red-legged partridge abundance is inconclusive. Releases of farm-reared partridges are putting at risk the genetic integrity of the species. Furthermore, when few partridges are released, releases do not increase annual harvest or estate profitability, and negatively affect the productivity of wild red-legged partridges. Despite leisure and economic movement generated by red-legged partridge hunting, inadequate management is currently reducing the potential benefits of this activity.

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