
ABSTRACT Interpersonal relationships in students with visual disabilities are a vitally important foundation for the proper process of communication, interaction and sociability with the context they face in their daily lives. With the above, it is not only sought to strengthen the learning process, it is a strategy that allows them to achieve assertive interaction within society. Through the theater's own tools, it seeks to establish the strengths and weaknesses of students with visual disabilities and their peers without disabilities. The theatrical pedagogy manual is taken as a reference framework, in which a wide range of tools are offered that favor the aforementioned social processes, and thus cause an impact on the individuals involved, since it is found in the document in question, a relevant strategy that responds to the educational and social needs found in students, demonstrating in other contexts a favoring of interpersonal relationships, since it is based on observation, evaluation and intervention parameters, thus guaranteeing the adequate development of social skills. This research is oriented on the socio-critical paradigm based on the conception of Garcia (2008), the type of research is qualitative, and its design is Action-Research. For the development of this strategy, students with visual disabilities were taken as a sample, at the elementary school level and with teachers from the collaborating institution. Investigative instruments that helped to carry out this postulate were also taken into account, such as participatory observation, field diaries, checklist, interviews and the adaptation of the Manual of Theater Pedagogy by the author Garcia-Huidobro (1996). In this way, the proposal is based on the pedagogical theater, as an innovative strategy, which is adjusted to the pedagogical environment that characterizes a school, in addition to this, a performance can be carried out at any educational level that you want to use. It should be noted that, being a methodology adjusted to the needs of students with visual disabilities, it gives it an interdisciplinary character, guaranteeing a strengthening in the learning mechanisms in which they want to work. Keywords: pedagogy, theater pedagogy, interpersonal relationships, visual impairment.

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