
The transfer of the Spanish State to the Autonomous Communities with full competences in education during the last two decades of the 20th century, currently allows two different levels to be found where official curricula are developed: the national and the autonomous ones. This double conception is the starting point of this study where it is intended to delve into the differences and similarities of a specific curricular element, the contents. The purpose of this study is to establish the differences and similarities between the music content present in the curricula of the different Spanish autonomous communities and the Royal Decrees published that contain the minimum teachings for the second cycle of Early Childhood Education for the Spanish national framework. With its own methodological design within the field of Comparative Education and using the CARMEN questionnaire based on the comparative analysis of curricular elements as the main research instrument. The results reveal that the presence of the musical contents in the different blocks there are starting differences regarding the national documents taken as a reference. Changes in the contents of the regional documents with respect to their national documents were more frequent for the LOGSE period than in the LOE period. It has been verified that there is no influence of the political party present in order to establish a greater or lesser degree of similarity in the minimum teachings. Educational curricula are not used in Spain as an ideological tool at the service of the ideals of one political party or another.

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