
The Death of Tolstoj ‘the Heretic’ in the Russian Church Press Review of the echoes of Tolstoj’s death in five religious magazines during the 1910-1912 period: - Cerkovnye vedomosti, the official weekly magazine of the Holy synod, which does not mention Tolstoj’s death at all. - Cerkovnyj vestnik, the weekly magazine of the Ecclesiastical Academy of St Petersburg, which recognizes the responsability of the Church in Tolstoj’s spiritual ‘erring’. - Kolokol and Missionerskoe obozrenie (a daily paper and monthly magazine managed by V. M. Skorcov, the responsible with missions concerning sects to the General Prosecutor of the Holy Synod) for whom the ‘great writer’ is the ‘prophet of the Judeomasonic church’. - Missionerskij sbornik (a magazine from Riazan), with doggerels, but also serious studies (11 issues of the magazine) of «L. Tolstoj and the Russian Intelligentsia in its Pursuit of Idols». The echoes of Tolstoj’s death reflect the wide range of church magazines: from extremely reactionary to moderately reformist.

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