
Eight years after the economic crisis began in Spain (2008), its impact on migration trends is due for re-examination. The emigration of young Southern Europeans during the crisis, motivated by high unemployment and the lack of opportunities, has been analysed by various academics. These scholars have highlighted the modification of migration patterns in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, countries with a positive net migration rate during the years of economic growth, and have studied the reversion to their former status as net emigration countries during the recession. However, despite the fact that today, eight years after the onset of the crisis, the economy has begun to show signs of recovery, there is evidence that migration trends among young Spaniards have changed. Consequently, the main hypothesis of this paper is that Spanish migration patterns have been altered by a tendency towards higher mobility at the dawn of the post-crisis era.


  • This article was prepared within the framework of the RDI project CSO 2016-80158-R “La nueva emigación desde España: perfiles, estrategias de movilidad y activismo político transnacional” [New Emigration from Spain: Profiles, Strategies of Mobility and Transnational Political Activism], part of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovation in Challenges Facing Society, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (EDRF Funds)

  • 36 This paper has analysed the international mobility of young adult Spaniards since 2008, generally considered the end of the period of economic prosperity which Spain had enjoyed since the turn of the century

  • The decline in immigration and the return and re-emigration of existing immigrants was compounded by the emigration of native Spaniards, especially young adults between ages 25 and 34

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Revue belge de géographie

Mobility and the international migration of young people: new models, new behaviours. International mobility of young adult Spaniards eight years after the onset of the economic crisis. Electronic reference Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, Juan Parreño-Castellano, Ramón Díaz-Hernández and Claudio MorenoMedina, « International mobility of young adult Spaniards eight years after the onset of the economic crisis. Food for thought », Belgeo [Online], 3 | 2018, Online since 30 October 2018, connection on 19 April 2019. This text was automatically generated on 19 April 2019. International mobility of young adult Spaniards eight years after the onset o. This article was prepared within the framework of the RDI project CSO 2016-80158-R “La nueva emigación desde España: perfiles, estrategias de movilidad y activismo político transnacional” [New Emigration from Spain: Profiles, Strategies of Mobility and Transnational Political Activism], part of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovation in Challenges Facing Society, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (EDRF Funds)

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