
Los seres humanos siempre nos hemos sentido fascinados por la difusa línea que divide la locura y el sentido común. Es la lucha entre racionalidad e irracionalidad. Es por ello que mi proyecto se basa en este tema. Se trata de investigar sobre la locura, anteriormente denominada melancolía. La reflexión tiene como marco la novela de la autora mexicana Cristina Garza titulada Nadie me verá llorar. Esta obra está ambientada en el México positivista de Porfirio Díaz. Los personajes que recorren la novela se posicionan entre la racionalidad y la irracionalidad. Para analizar más pormenorizadamente las características de los protagonistas, se ha utilizado la obra aristotélica que trata de la melancolía. Gracias a esta obra, se puede observar cómo las características ancestrales de los melancólicos se sitúan, en este caso, en el México finisecular. Human beings have been always fascinated by the line that divides the madness and the common sense. This is the fight between rationality and irrationality. That is why my project involves this topic basing my researched in the definition of melancholic named in the past as madness. From the beginning of the humanity people look at their selves trying to understand how their mind works looking for the distinction of reality and unreality. Lunacy has been a malefic character but also due to the enigmatic characteristics, has trace of greatness. This paper continues this research upon the differences, the uncommon. I based my paper in a historical development of the analysis of the melancholic from the ancient times with Aristotle and Plato until two of the most relevant writers of the Latin-American literature, Cristina Garza specially in her novel Nadie me verá llorar (No one will see me cry). My researched rests in the Aristotle´s treaty titled The man of genius and the melancholic because is, with Plato, the philosopher that gave form to that feeling of amazed facing it to the magnanimity and the despicable of the mental illness. The genius man has always been located between these limits, such as the painter Bacon or Beethoven. These thin line make them fall or slip in one or the other face of the melancholic. How can you get hooked by this theme? How could you not follow the way of those who came before us trying to find the answer?

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