
The process of Confessionalization that was followed by Philip II was limited to the control of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in his kingdoms and the justification of his politics for religious motives. All this forced the papacy to follow the political and religious interests of the Spanish Monarchy during the second half of the 16 th century, albeit against its will. The situation changed with the election of Clement VIII as pope, through his support of the discalced reform and his control over bishops and dioceses. From a political point of view, the Pope took advantage of the chaotic situation in France to gain independence from the Spanish Monarchy. Philip II´s demands that his Holiness allow France to reach a religious schism were not backed by the Pope. In granting absolution to Henry of Bourbon, Clement VIII took the definitive step towards freeing Rome from the pressures of Spain, thus keeping it from achieving the Monarchia Universalis. In this article, I am arguing that the Holy See notably increased its diplomatic presence in the Netherlands during those years, creating the Nunciature of Flanders in 1594 in order to influence the decision-making of the Spanish ministers in the north of Europe. I intend to prove this hypothesis through the study of the correspondence generated by the different diplomats sent by the pope and by Philip II´s ministers in northern Europe, mainly kept in the Archivio Segreto Vaticano, as well as in the Spanish archives of Simancas, Zabalburu and the Instituto Valencia de Don Juan.


  • Para justificar la novedosa situación generada por el hecho de que, tras la división que realizó de su herencia Carlos V, ya no fuera el emperador la principal fuerza política de la Cristiandad, sino que lo fuera el monarca hispano, los tratadistas recobraron la vieja idea de Monarchia Universalis[1], aunque el poder

  • The situation changed with the election of Clement VIII as pope, through his support of the discalced reform and his control over bishops and dioceses

  • Philip IIs demands that his Holiness allow France to reach a religious schism were not backed by the Pope

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Para justificar la novedosa situación generada por el hecho de que, tras la división que realizó de su herencia Carlos V, ya no fuera el emperador la principal fuerza política de la Cristiandad, sino que lo fuera el monarca hispano, los tratadistas recobraron la vieja idea de Monarchia Universalis[1], aunque el poder. Una vez reunidas las tropas, se decidió esperar a la prevista tercera incursión de Farnesio en Francia para unirse a su ejército, pero la muerte del de Parma en diciembre de 1592 retrasó dicha intervención y el conde de Fuentes[26], que había sido comisionado a Flandes por Felipe II para comunicar a Farnesio su cese como gobernador, no quiso emprender la campaña hasta haber aclarado la situación.

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