
RESUMEN Habiendo transcurrido 20 anos de andadura y desarrollo profesional desde la implantacion del especialista en audicion y lenguaje itinerante, parece conveniente reflexionar sobre el modelo y tipo de actuacion que desempena esta figura especializada en los equipos de orientacion educativa. Para ello se ha planteado un estudio que tiene como objeto central el maestro itinerante de audicion y lenguaje destinado en equipos de orientacion educativa, su modelo de intervencion, los programas y contenidos que ocupan su actividad profesional y que construccion de su rol profesional estan desarrollando. Nos hemos adentrado en ello a traves de un estudio que abarca todos los escenarios de la provincia de Almeria en la que se hallan trabajando maestros itinerantes de audicion y lenguaje desde los citados equipos de orientacion. La metodologia cualitativa e interpretativa es la que nos ha permitido acercarnos a una comprension del fenomeno estudiado, una inmersion que contribuya a comprender la complejidad organizativa que conlleva la intervencion de este profesional. Avanzamos que el proyecto de cambio de un modelo terapeutico a otro asesor-colaborativo esta mas henchido de intenciones que de una realidad verificable, al igual que sucede la accion a traves de programas reparadores frente a la preventiva educativa. ABSTRACT After 20 years of career and professional development, since the introduction of the itinerant specialist on hearing and speech, it seems appropriate to reflect on the model and type of action that this professional plays in the educational guidance and counseling teams. This has posed a study which central object is the itinerant teacher specialist on hearing and speech difficulties aimed at educational counseling teams, his/her model of intervention, the programs and contents this speciality envolves, and actually what is the professional role it’s being built on daily bases. We approached this issue through a study that covers all the different contexts in the province of Almeria in which itinerant teachers specialist on hearing and speech are working from the educative guidance teams. The methodology that allowed us to get closer to an understanding of the studied phenomenon is the qualitative an interpretative methodology, contributing to understand the organizational complexity required on the intervention of this professional. In advance seems like the proposed change of a therapeutic model to the advisor-collaborative one is more set of good intentions rather than a verifiable fact, as well as the intervention occurs through programs to solve problems rather than an action of preventive education.

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