
In his treatise De Locis theologicis (books V and VI), Melchor Cano sets down a very complete theological statement on pontifical infallibility. This study centers on the condition of infallibility relevant to mode, a question concerning which many opinions and solutions were offered by Catholic theologians of the sixteenth century. The contribution of the master from Salamanca on this point is fundamental. The work analyzes two formulas relevant to the theme: infallibility ex cathedra and infallibility in conclusione. Both denominations are original with Cano. The content of the ex cathedra formula, coincident in great measure with the formula of Vatican I, consists in the affirmation that the Roman Pontiff is infallible as a public judge of the Church, and not as a private person or doctor; he is also infallible only when he defines a doctrine of faith speaking for the whole Universal Church with the intention of obliging the faithiul to believe; he is not infallible, however, in the opposite case. To give an estimative judgement of this theological doctrine, we can see Cano's obvious dependence, at differnt levels, with the great dominican theologians: Saint Thomas, Torquemada and Cayetano; we cannot, on the other hand, refer his teachings to Master Vitoria's because their work differs in many respects. Considering the formula itself we can notice some partial coincidences with other theologians of the Louvain School such as Ruard Tapper. Cano's high theological quality and his doctrinal exactitude are evident, if we compare them with the doctrine as defined by the Vatican Council I. In reference to the second formula: infallibility in conclusione is of lesser significance than the former, it should be added that there are no precedents in other theologians of his day. The Theological content of this concept consists in the affirmation that the Roman Pontiff is infallible in his decrees in the resulting final expression, that is, in the conclusion; but not necessarily in the argument which supports such a conclusion; the reason given, might not be necessary, but only probable. This new precision of thought relevant to the condition of pontifical infallibility, also of great theological value, butitis not found directly referred to in the magisterial documents. lt is not unsuitable in any way, but on the contrary supposes a correct theological advance regarding the subject in question.

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