
The article highlights the historical work of Father Juan Guillermo Durán that combines the rigorous scientific investigation of history with the reading of his figures and events according to the Catholie tradition. His hermeneutics arises from faith in Providence that guides history, from the maternal presence of María de Luján and from the events of the Church. The essay starts from the novelty of the study of the history of the People of God in Latín America, summarizes the historiography of the Catholie Church in Argentina and studies the history of contemporary Argentine Catholicism is studied. From there, in a second phase, the different perspectives on the Church are presented and the theological knowledge of its history according to the Second Vatican is situated. In a third step, the article considers the scientific status of the history of the Church as history and as theology, while an overcoming horizon is proposed between the two perspectives called confessional and secular. The forma mentís of the historian who proceeds scientifically within the faith in God's Providence is also highlighted.

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