
The aim of this research is to describe the levels of cognitive system processing that are present in the genre Worksheets of the academic discourse in economics as multimodal discourse. It was worked with a corpus of 68 Worksheets. This research is based on a qualitative paradigm, it has a non-Experimental design and it is an explorative and descriptive study. The data analysis shows that the Analysis and Knowledge Utilization are the levels of processing most worked in the Worksheets, both levels correspond to the last levels of the cognitive system of the new taxonomy (Marzano & Kendall, 2007). These levels point to the elaboration of ideas in order to reach the application of the knowledge in the tasks. It was observed that the Worksheets used multisemiotic artifacts, mainly in tables and graphics. Finally, the multisemiotic artifacts are associated to levels of last order, in which it is required the knowledge of previous levels. It implicates the practice of divers cognitive abilities.


  • The aim of this research is to describe the levels of cognitive system processing that are present in the genre Worksheets of the academic discourse in economics as multimodal discourse

  • The data analysis shows that the Analysis and Knowledge Utilization are the levels of processing most worked in the Worksheets, both levels correspond to the last levels of the cognitive system of the new taxonomy (Marzano & Kendall, 2007)

  • It was observed that the Worksheets used multisemiotic artifacts, mainly in tables and graphics

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La presente investigación está situada desde un paradigma cualitativo con un diseño no experimental de alcance exploratorio-descriptivo. En esta etapa se trabajó solo con las GE que contenían artefactos multisemióticos en sus ejercicios puesto que el propósito era dar cuenta de la relación existente entre los niveles de procesamiento del sistema cognitivo a los que se apela en ellas y los artefactos que las componen. Debido al enfoque cualitativo de este estudio se jerarquizó de acuerdo a la presencia reiterada o no de cada uno de los niveles de procesamiento del sistema cognitivo en una misma Guía de Ejercicio, destacando aquella que presenta mayor número de reiteraciones (sobre el 60%)

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