
St. Paul uses the term δικαιοσύνη (ṣedaqāh) in the same way as it is used in the Old Testament: pertaining to the ontological plan from both a cosmological point of view (creation is based on the ṣedaqāh), and an anthropological point of view (righteousness is a gift from JHWH). The term ἔλεος (hesed) is associated with the story of salvation in the framework of the covenant, both the old and the new covenant. Paul emphasizes the role of δικαιοσύνη in his controversy with contemporary Judaism. For him it is a gift of the mercy of God in Christ, who alone justifies without the works of the law, but by faith alone. He also emphasizes the role that mercy has in justifying both pagans and Jews, who have been imprisoned in disobedience (άπείθεια). As an attribute of the person of Christ, mercy, synthesizes in itself the entire history of salvation, preaching universal reconciliation and anticipating the final gathering of all in the glorious body of Christ, where and when ὀργή, ζῆλος and ἀπείθεια will disappear and δικαιοσύνη and ἔλεος will become one in ἀγάπη.

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