
Objective: This paper describes the level of knowledge of the areas in project management. The aim of this article is to diagnose the fi rst level of project management maturity in four surveyed companies. A common language is the fi rst of the fi ve levels of project management maturity. Methodology: Qualitative research on target sample has been carried out using a questionnaire. Test results: The study presents a fragment of the results of research on the project management maturity in organizations in the process of product innovation. Project knowledge is a resource for knowledge about methods and techniques related to the coordination of project activities and project experience gained from the implementation of previous and earlier projects. Conclusion: Proper knowledge management during the project can undoubtedly bring many benefi ts as: developing and improving their own solutions, eliminating duplication of work, saving time, learning from mistakes and the mistakes of others, the use of best practices. Originality: Knowledge of project areas by the team indicates the level of project management maturity in the creation of product innovation.

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