
The study of nursing schools during the Franquism in Spain is a part of our recent story which has been seldom considered, even when the majority of nursing professional working nowadays were trained in these centers from 1955 to 1977. This period coincides with the maximum development of the Franquist ideology and the Women’s Unit was considered to be one of its main agents of ideological transmission. Nurses who studied in the schools of the Women’s Unit learned ideas such as recognizing that our profession was subjected to medicine and that the women’s role was to obey the men. The study of this topic is of great interest, considering all the criticism about the image of the nurse as someone dependent and subordinated. Difficulties facing nurses in order to be well-integrated are easier to understand if we take into account an historic and sociological perspective. In the present work we aim to analyse the Political Thought of Franquism transmitted through the Women’s Unit. Its ideological speech, oriented to women education, has a clear example in nursing education and, more specifically, in nursing education at the Women’s Unit.

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