
Biogeographia vol. XXVI - 2005 (Pubblicato il 30 Dicembre 2005) Biogeografia delle Alpi e Prealpi centro-orientali La flora di patticolare interesse fitogeografico della provincia di Sondrio: un ptimo inventario per la sua conservazione GILBERTO PAROLO*, GRAZIANO ROSSI* e ROBERTO FERRANTI** *Dzpartz'mento di Ecologia ale! Territorio, Universitiz dzq Pavia, via 5. Epzfimio 14, [-271 00 Pavia qq’:z2z'czzzzz Agrippzz 4, I-201 41 Milano pzzrolo @et. zmipv. it Key words: threatened species, in and exsitu conservation, Phanerophyte, phytogeography, seed bank, Alps, N-Italy. SUMMARY The playtageagraplyiral nomlzleflom of the Province Sondrio: zz pre/imimuy inventory for conservation activities. The Province of Sondrio covers approx. 3.212 Km’ and hosts a very diverse and rich flora that, according to the current estimates, amounts to about 1.850 taxzz of vascular plants. The reasons for this high level of plant diversity lie in the considerable altitudinal range and in the large habitat diversity, ranging from the extensive alpine region to the Adda and Meta river plains. The present contribution provides an annotated catalogue of409 notable nzxa ofphytogeographical interest for the Province ofSondrio, aiming to provide the basic data to develop in and exsim consewation programmes. This selection includes species that occur in less than 3 (“RR” category) and between 4 and 15 sites (“Rq category). The data were collated From the recent floristic bibliography (since 1950 onwards); other botanical reports, produced before 1950 were only considered if the presence of the species were recently updated or could be considered highly probable. The work also shows the distribution of the 409 species in the 5 districts, the Province of Sondrio has been divided in. In addition the ecological behaviour of the species gives an indication of the most vulnerable habitats, that can be referred to freshwater and mire vegetation, weed communities of cultivated fields, ruderal vegetation, sunny fringe communities and arid grasslands. Alpine grasslands, rocks and screes are also particularly rich in notable species, but because of their wider extension and nearly inaccessible locations there is lesser concern for their conservation. This work provides a baseline documentation to be updated and completed by botanists, and it is a starting point For the preparation of a “red listq for the Sondrio Province. A complementary ex situ conservation action recently undertaken by the Lombardy Seed Bank (LSB) was so Far applied to 37 of the 409 mxzz included in our inventory. INTRODUZIONE La conoscenza della flora di un territotio, la sua disttibuzione e consistenza costituiscono il ptimo livello di indagine della biodiversita vegetale e rapptesentano uno strumento indispensabile non solo per una corretta gestione degli ambienti naturali, ma anche pet attuare specifiche strategie di conservazione sulle entita rivelatesi piii vulnerabili (Prosser, 2001; Poldini et al., 2002). La tutela

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