
Employee loyalty has been the subject of much research for several decades. It is now considered to be one of the main interests of senior managers. Indeed, it has an impact both on the Personal efficiency, Organizational performance and also his productivity. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of affective commitment, intention to leave and the sense of self-determination, perceived by Generation Y executives of the Office Cherifien des Phosphates (OCP), on their sense of loyalty. In order to do this, we made a set of hypotheses through and we have assumed that the explanatory variables have a direct impact on the loyalty of the Office's senior managers. Based on the nature of our research, we have opted for a quantitative approach with a hypothetical-deductive reasoning mode, with the aim of presenting a more complete research model, which has been improved through a rich literature review, and which will serve as a basis for establishing the links between the different variables treated in our field of study. The target population presented senior managers of Generation Y of OCP Jorf Lasfar (500 executives). The self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 140 senior managers, allowing us to retrieve only 72 questionnaires, 50 of which are valid for statistical analysis. The collected data were processed and analyzed using the analysis software SPSS V.24. There was a statistically significant correlation between affective commitment and the sense of loyalty (β = 0.445, p 0.05).

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