
THIS is a noble ending to a noble work. On the merits of the original it is scarcely necessary to enlarge; since they were first recognised in these pages they have become familiar to all English geologists, and the fame of “Das Antlitz” has spread over the whole world. Yet time has increased, rather than diminished, our appreciation of its great qualities, and we take advantage of this opportunity to express our admiration for its superb mastery over detail and the acute vision which have z combined to give us in true perspective so many faithful pictures of terrestrial structure; for its power of synthesis, discovering in the midst of the most diverse phenomena an underlying unity; for its freshness of explanation, always surprising us with novel theories and hypotheses; and for many bold conceptions, which, whether we accept them or not, are always valuable for what they suggest if for nothing else. The delight with which we follow the author through the most complicated descriptions or discussions is increased by the vigour of his language, with its occasional ascent into spontaneous eloquence under the inspiration of great ideas. As we read, we are conscious of a new spirit which has broken loose from ancient dogmas and leads us forth to fresh conquests of the unknown. La Face de la Terre (Das Antlitz der Erde). Par Prof. Ed. Suess. Traduit de l'Allemand avec l'Autorisation de l'Auteur et Annote sous la Direction de Emm. de Margerie. Tome iii., 4e Partie. (Fin.) Avec un Epilogue par P. Termier. Pp. xvi + 1361–1724. Tables Generales de l'Ouvrage. Tomes i., ii., iii. (1re, 2e, 3e et 4e Parties.) (Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1918.) Price 25 francs.

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