
In the Protrepticus , Aristotle not only makes an exhortation to philosophy, but to a particular conception of philosophy. In this work, the philosophy seems to have two Basic and different features, but interrelated: 1), it is a contemplative science, whose aim is the realization of human being as such; 2) is a cooperative activity through which tries to arrive at the truth or to the first principles of things. The analysis of this conception of philosophy allows us to draw certain contact points with Platonic conception. In this sense, one could say that Aristotle’s analysis of the opinions of the predecessors reproduces the nature and objectives of the Platonic dialogues. Like Plato, for Aristotle the important in the search for truth is not only the results but also the inquiry process by which these results were obtained. The use Platonic of dialogue and constant the aristotelic reference to the philosophical tradition proves that philosophy is conceived by both as a effort joint of the interlocutors in which each everyone extracted the truths contained in his soul. Having this as a backdrop, in this paper we focus on analyzing the possible Platonic heritage in the Aristotelian conception of philosophy. To do this, we will focus on the early writings of Aristotle, that is, in writings such as Protrepticus and Metaphysics I and II.

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