
The goal of this research work is to propose three challenges for the trainee teachers, challenges aimed to eliminate three key resistances to critical literacy and a suspicion-based teaching: The Resistance to consider artistic spaces as learning/teaching spaces, the Resistance to consider aesthetic education to be at the same level as artistic education, and the Resistance to incorporate media and audiovisual culture into the curriculum of History, Geography, Art and Philosophy. To fight these resistances we developed this education research project, whose aim is to promote critical, aesthetic and audiovisual skills in the training teacher for Master’s in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education, Post-Compulsory Secondary, Social Sciences (Art, Geography, History and Philosophy) at the University of Málaga. We used the work of Mark Ryden, «father of pop surrealism». The objective was that students learnt to be suspicious and to acquire critical thinking. To this end, we developed an implementation through Mark Ryden’s exhibition La Cámara de las Maravillas at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo in Málaga. This research work is integrated into the Research Project titled «Multimodal Literacy and Cultural Studies: Towards a citizenship education in postmodern society» that is focused on the introduction of the media culture in training teacher from critical literacy.

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