
This article studies the will and inventory of goods left by a rich canon, named Bernat of Sarria, who belonged to a noble family from the surroundings of Barcelona, where his house was built. The canon had a cousin —also named Bernat—, who was a king's counsellor and a very influential person at the court. The inventory is dated the day after the canon was dead, on the 26th July 1302. It contains a large number of clothes, furniture and coins, but neither books nor weapons. The canon also possessed several servants and three slaves, fourteen decorated silver cups, twelve rings and some landed properties in Premia and Alella (villages not far from Barcelona), that produced crops of wheat, barley, wine and oil. A benefice in memory of the date of his death was constituted, with his fortune, at Saint Michael's chapel of Barcelona cathedral. This benefice was devoted to the poor and especially to nourish, for ever, a poor person who was dependent of the cathedral's Almoina. The canon destined for these two pious institutions the amount he obtained of selling his slaves.


  • This article studies the will and inventory of goods left by a rich canon, named Bernât of Sarria, who belonged to a noble family from the surroundings of Barcelona, where his house was built

  • The canon destined for these two pious institutions the amount he obtained of selling his slaves

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El canonge Bernât es recorda dos cops del seu prestigios cosí lìomònim en el testament^ al mig i cap al final anomenant-lo primer conseller del senyor rei i després "estimadissim consanguini", sempre per. Com que era un home molt meticulós, el testador precisava que volia ser enterrât al costat esquerre de l'aitar, on hi havia un banc, que l'enterrament s'havia de fer bé i honorablement, segons el costum de la Seu. Especificava les deixes habituais: el seu Hit de draps a l'hospital de la catedral o d'En Colom, 5 sous a cada hospital de pobres de la ciutat (de Bernât Marcus, Pere Dezvilar, Santa Eulalia del Camp) i a la Casa dels malalts, un àpat pels franciscans i un altre pels frares predicadors dels convents de la ciutat, perqué preguessin per la seva ànima, i per fi destinava 100 sous per l'obra de la Seu tot just començada feia un pareli d'anys. Tot era a la cambra del difunt, coni també uns documents trobats al costat dels diners

La cambra
El menjador-sala
La cuina
La planta baixa
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