
Olivier Moyano, The bidimensionality of psychic space in the asthmatic child. A clinical study from the « drawing of a house with someone inside ». The asthmatic child suffers from a pathology of psychic space as a consequence of the specific organizational mode of his object relations. The allergy spatializes intersubjective relations in a mode of bidimensionality and reciprocal inclusion, both at the level of psychic and real space. The present study shows that although this aspect of psychic dimensionality can remain discreet or ever hidden ordinarily, whenever the asthmatic child suffers from an affective upset, it becomes very visible again, demonstrating the possibilities of regression of the allergic subject depending on the variations in his relations to the other person. This bidimensionality can be seen in the child's drawing (following instructions : « Draw a house with someone inside »). Key-words : Asthma - Psychic space - Bidimensionality - « Drawing of a house with someone inside » - Object relation.

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