
The article describes the time of the creation of library of the Cistercian monastery of Fitero (Navarre). Over the years it became one of the most important in the kingdom, until its decline trougth secularisations and confiscations of property suffered by the convent in the 19 th century. The data on its initial phase come from the books of the abbots Fray Marcos de Villalva and Fray Ignacio Fermin de Ibero, both originally from Castile, who were appointed abbots vy virtue of the righ to royal patronage exercised by King Philip II. Although most of the books belong, as could be expected to an ecclesiastical library, a surprising case inthat of Abbot Ibero for the wide range of subjets he covers and the high quality of the editions, often accompanied by engravings and musical notes. Through these books, which are either identified through the exlibris or references ot notarial list, one can perceive the important ecclesiastical issues of the day: the reform of the monasteries and the practice of Orthodox Catholicism, and also secular issues that came to the knowledge of the monastery related to the two great powers of the Catholic world, the monarchy and the papacy.


  • The article describes the time of the creation of library of the Cistercian monastery of Fitero (Navarre)

  • Libros de coro: 5 piezas grandes de libros de canto dominicales y feriales; 3 piezas grandes de misales y santorales de todo el año; 7 cuerpos grandes de responsorios dominicales y feriales hasta las kalendas de Agosto; 3 cuerpos grandes de responsorios de los Santos que terminan en el oficio de S

  • 78, 80, 81, 82 Biblia, concordancias, 86 Biblia de Santo Pagnino, Biblia Vulgata, Compendium theologiae, 240 Concilios, 175 Constituciones Universidad Alcalá Henares, 241 Definiciones cistercienses, 232 Derecho canónico, 178 Legislación, Felipe II, 69, 70 Lexicon graecum, 299 Privilegios Orden cisterciense, 231, Privilegios Orden franciscana, Recibimiento real, 321 Regla San Benito, 230 Retórica, 292

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327-Motetes de Lucas Morencio en quatro cuerpos, 4o pergamino/ Luca Marenzio, más conocido por sus madrigales que le dieron el apelativo de “el más dulce cisne de Italia”. 328- Motetes de Gonberdi, Berdelod, en seis querpos, pergamino/ Impreciso sobre Nicolás Gombert de la capilla de música del Emperador y Philippe Verdelot. 329-Madrigales de Palestrina, de nuestra Señora en cinco querpos, 4o pergamino/ Litaniae Deiparae Virginis, musica D. 330-Madrigales y motetes de Severino Corned, en seis querpos, 4o pergamino/ Cantiones musicae 5,6,7 y 8 vocum, auctore Severino Corned, Valencenatae. 331-Madrigales de Panssono Canvio, en cinquo querpos, 4o pergamino/ No localizado. 333-Melodiae spiritualis de Jacobo Petrino, todo en estampas, folio pergamino/ No localizado, aunque probablemente su autor formara parte de la capilla de música de la basílica de S. 334-Quatro cartapacios con los madrigales de Guerrero y otras musicas/ Probablemente piezas manuscritas de Francisco Guerrero.[35].

34 Samuel rubio
35 Samuel Rubio
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