
The Yawning (Gap) Between the Scenes Writing in the feminine in 1989 is to write against the monotonous senselessness of 'the normal' in order to give a form to my desire, a woman form, since form can't be neuter. Writing is a place of passage where I shed my conventional (normal) uniforms in order to think a new fiction which will give me back my voice in all its polytonality, all its bodily shock points. I write against myself, against the narrativity indoctrinated in mefrom infancy, memoryas the anecdote ofmy fouryear old selfwho hadn't been subdued yet. But I also write memoryas a zone of exploration where, through a reinvented fiction, I come to understand reality other-wise. In Bonheur (Happiness), I wanted to explore that kitsch word, how it is inseparable from suffering. My writing is made ofthe clashing ofconcepts, ofliterary genres, the transformation ofstory into aspace where sense is confused with the sensual. I seek to knock out binary logic, to produce what might becalled alogic of aporia, women-logic. I can't accept the destruction of the western subject of discourse without proposing a possible reconstruction where I can speakand pass from the object ofmasculine desire to the function of subjectactingon myown desire. Forawoman it's notaquestion ofto be or not to be but rather how to be while not being.

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