
Numero 118 Enero - Abril 2007 ISSN 0041 8633 LA ADMINISTRACION DE JUSTICIA DE MENORES EN MEXICO. LA REFORMA DEL ARTICULO 18 DE LA CONSTITUCION POLITICA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS Juan de Dios GONZALEZ IBARRA * Ladislao Adrian REYES BARRAGAN ** The recent reforms that have affected the regulation of juvenile infractors in Mexico, has opened up a fertile ground for legal debates, given the fact that there are different points of view on this matter. The authors of this article explain the evolution of article 18 of the Mexican Constitution, which regulates the administration of justice with respect to minors, and explain the interaction that shall take place between the Federal Judicial Power and the Ministry of Education because, in tune with international law, the minor is not a criminal but a law infractor, who requires supervision and education. In other words, he needs preventive and educational type of treatment, rather than measures of the correctional type, a conception which represents a great advance in the Mexican justice system. Descriptors: minors, justice system, constitutional reform. * Profesor e investigador de la UAEM. Tutor en la UNAM. jdgiba@correo.xoc.uam.mx . ** Profesor e investigador de la UAEM. ladislao.reyes@buzon.uaem.mx o lreyes@correo.ajusco.upn.mx . * Nota: Debido que la traduccion es automatica podra ser inexacta o contener errores.

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