
With the rapid development of blockchain, the concept of decentralized applications (DApps), built upon smart contracts, has attracted much attention in academia and industry. However, significant issues w.r.t. system throughput, transaction confidentiality, and the security guarantee of the DApp transaction execution and order correctness hinder the border adoption of blockchain DApps. To address these issues, we propose L2chain, a novel blockchain framework aiming to scale the system through a layer-2 network where DApps process transactions in the layer-2 network and only the system state digest, acting as the state integrity proof, is maintained on-chain. To achieve high performance, we introduce the split-execute-merge (SEM) transaction processing workflow with the help of the RSA accumulator, allowing DApps to lock and update a part of the state digest in parallel. We also design a witness cache mechanism for DApp executors to reduce the transaction processing latency. To fulfill confidentiality, we leverage the trusted execution environment (TEE) for DApps to execute encrypted transactions off-chain. To ensure transaction execution and order correctness, we propose a two-step execution process for DApps to prevent attacks ( i.e. , rollback attacks) from subverting the state transition. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that L2chain can achieve 1.5X to 42.2X and 7.1X to 8.9X throughput improvements in permissioned and permissionless settings respectively.

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