
Let Mn (n ≥ 3) be an n-dimensional complete noncompact oriented submanifold in an (n+p)-dimensional Euclidean space Rn+p with finite total mean curvature, i.e, ∫M|H|n < ∞, where H is the mean curvature vector of M. Then we prove that each end of M must be non-parabolic. Denote by φ the traceless second fundamental form of M. We also prove that if ∫M|φ|n < C (n), where C (n) is an an explicit positive constant, then there are no nontrivial L2 harmonic 1-forms on M and the first de Rham's cohomology group with compact support of M is trivial. As corollaries, such a submanifold has only one end. This implies that such a minimal submanifold is plane.

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