
Recruiting large numbers of naïve lymphocytes to lymph nodes is critical for mounting an effective adaptive immune response. While most naïve lymphocytes utilize homing molecule L-selectin to enter lymph nodes, some circulating cells can traffic to the lung-draining mediastinal lymph node (mLN) through lymphatics via the intermediate organ, lung. However, whether this alternative trafficking mechanism operates in infection and contributes to T cell priming are unknown. We report that in pulmonary Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice, homing of circulating lymphocytes to the mLN is significantly less efficient than to non-draining lymph node. CD62L blockade only partially reduced the homing of naïve T lymphocytes, consistent with L-selectin-independent routing of naïve lymphocytes to the site. We further demonstrated that lymphatic vessels in infected mLN expanded significantly and inhibiting lymphangiogenesis with a vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 kinase inhibitor reduced the recruitment of intravenously injected naïve lymphocytes to the mLN. Finally, mycobacterium-specific T cells entering via the L-selectin-independent route were readily activated in the mLN. Our study suggests that both L-selectin-dependent and -independent pathways contribute to naïve lymphocyte entry into mLN during M. tuberculosis infection and the latter pathway may represent an important mechanism for orchestrating host defence in the lungs.

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