
After twenty-five years of political unrest, in 1814 some Europeans were not willing to accept the peace and order Louis XVIII imposed on them. Instead, these men of action turned to extra-legal (conspiracies) and clandestine (secret societies) activities, fighting violently against the restored political system. Faithful to the legacies of the Revolution and the Counter-revolution, they also fought among themselves, adapting to changing political practices to impose their ideas. This passion led them across Europe, particularly into Italy and Spain.Francois Husson, a former officer in Napoleon, launched in 1820 a subversive activity places in for several months at the center of all planned maneuvers in France and Spain. This man sent by Parisian director of the Carbonari Committee to liberal elites of the Peninsula, will commit himself unreservedly to the victory of the Sainte-Alliance des Peuples. His exceptional life, highlighted when you explore the archives, allows to understand the motivations and contradictions of this character who was, despite himself, originally a founding act of the Spanish republicanism : The dramatic episode of martires de la Libertad Espanola (Tarifa, 1824).Fecha de envio / Submission Date: 1/05/2014Fecha de aceptacion / Acceptance Date: 28/05/2014

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