
The Emergence of a Neo-Southern Policy in Italy : Growing Territorial Divides? Since the unification of Italy, the developmental gap between the South and the rest of the county has never been substantially reduced despite several decades of massive investment. Today, it is even said to be growing. Confronted with this worsening situation and the strong pressure exercised on the central government by the Northern League, the years 2008-2009 were marked by the emergence of a neo-southern mobilization which once again put the Mezzogiorno at the top of the political agenda. Indeed, the most salient fact of the past decade would appear to be the creation of numerous southern defense parties, chief amongst which is that of the President of the Sicilian region. Yet, given the fact that their interests are often diametrically opposed, the participation of these parties in government has given rise to significant tension within ruling coalitions in Italy and Sicily as well as within Silvio Berlusconi’s party itself. While there is as yet no party that brings together all neo-southern actors, the aggravation of the territorial divide already appears very worrisome for Italian political unity. ■

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