
The origin of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches is well known and its competence has been explained various times by more than one author. This has always been done in general terms. The current article considers particulars. Briefly it deals with the following : 1. the origin of the Roman Curia and the structure of Congregations; 2. the origin of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide and the institution of the dicastery pro negotiis ritus orientalis; 3. the transformation in 1917 which make this dicastery into an autonomous congregation called pro Ecclesia Orientali by Benedict XV and, later by Paul VI, from 1968 onwards: pro Ecclesiis orientalibus; since when the Congregation has had the Roma Pontiff as its Prefect. The competance of the Congregation is vast, extending to all the faithful of Oriental Rite and also Latin Rite faithful in certain territories, this is exercised in strict subordination to the Roman Pontiff; 4. In the fulfilment of its pastoral service, the Congregation intervenes when there is an election of a Patriarch or of a Major Archbishop and presents the assent or nomination of the Roman Pontiff to the candidates for the episcopate. It also assists the Oriental Bishops in their ad milina Apostolorum visit; it follows carefully the inherent problems of initial formation and permanence of the clergy, and the problems of priestly life; it promotes and assists consecrated life, and the life of the laity. The Congregation shows the Apostolic Sees fidelity to its continuing mission during this century by giving great attention to Oriental Liturgy, and promoting the study of oriental christianity. Finally the particular situations of the oriental communities give relevance to the financial assistance which is coordinated by this Congregation

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