
Colette Touzard, A deficit of expression at adolescence : psychosis and prepsychosis. Projective methods, which have been even further refined by their longitudinal dimension in the gathering of data, are able to clearly describe the pathological processes which characterize the impaired structure at adolescence, that is, infantile psychosis in its development at the period of adolescence. We will see how troubles in the thinking process are caught in a permanent functional bond with an alteration in the activity of representation. Troubles in the thinking process are discerned here by the bias of the capacity of representation. We will see that this amputation of unconscious thought is not located in the same place - in the malfunction of the specular relation - in the case of full-blown psychosis and in the case of pre-psychosis.Troubles of the thought processes, defense mechanisms as well as the adjustments which are possible, differ from one type of organization to another. The same is true for regulations of the psychosomatic economy. Key words : Psychosis - Pre-psychosis - Troubles of the thinking process - Separation anxiety - Psychosomatic economy - Rorschach - TAT.

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