
Parco cave, discovered in 1974, has yielded more than 50 objects fashioned of hard animal parts from levels dating to later phases of the Magdalenian. In the work described here, we have undertaken a technotypological analysis of this previously unstudied bone and antler assemblage. The osseous series from Parco are homogeneous and very similar to those from nearby sites of roughly the same time period; that is to say of the late Upper Magdalenian of the peninsular Mediterranean. The latter are composed primarily of hunting weapons dominated by antler projectile points, as well as eyed bone needles and a few shell ornaments. Technological analysis shows production in which there is a tight relationship between morphological type and raw material employed. The production schema saw the removal of blanks by means of groove and splinter technique, followed by shaping of pieces by scraping and finishing of them – in some cases by abrasion.

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