
No longer induced to yet again develop a theory on sacrifice, being there other Sciences designated to do so, Philosophy in any case has to face the question that relates sacrifice to thought itself. In fact, ever since its beginning, Western thought seem strictly interrelated to a «sacrificial logic», of which frequently – as ever so often revealed – resents the fascination. In particular, Heidegger’s works produced between the 1930s and the 1940s show not so much a thematization of sacrifice, as evidenced in other thought experiences, rather than an ambivalent proximity between thought and sacrifice. The analysis of some Heideggerian passages evidentiates, on one side, the heavy «sacrificial» pall of his discourse, and on the other side its connection with freedom. Jean-Luc Nancy – stretching beyond Bataille, Hegel and Christianity, and even beyond Heidegger himself – has suggested an original reading of sacrificial logic in relation to the development of Western philosophy, based upon the sublation of finitude. Obsessed with the concept of accessing the Other, the Infinite, the Absolute, and with the willingness to found a fusional community, the thought succumbs to sacrifice itself, after having contributed to his spiritualisation and his dialectisation. In such way, thought is no longer free. So, reconsidering the concept of a «singular plural» finitude, around which his entire work rotates, Nancy affirms that existence is «unsacrificeable». But more than a predication of existence, it is a need of thought itself.

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