
The present article aims at contributing to the debate on thinking education in organizational contexts with particular reference to the training of professionals in the field of industrial research. We propose an analysis of an educational experience, conducted in a workshop through the application of various devices of thinking education, which are different in both their theoretical templates and their specific objectives: the Community of Philosophical Inquiry, according with Lipman's Philosophy for Children; the methods of creative logical problem solving, following the approach of de Bono's Lateral Thinking; and some analytical activities on perceptive-evaluative habits, from the perspective of experimental phenomenology. In the first part of this article we present the context in which the set-up of the educational experience has grown, as well as the rationale for choosing the training devices; in the second part, by analysing the reports prepared by the workshop participants, we analyse the effectiveness of the workshop set-up and the potential for combined use of the chosen devices, in order to reach, in an extremely short amount of time, a process of progressive growth in participants’ thinking skills that can affect the definition of the researcher’s professional identity and the transformation of such an identity in a lifelong-learning perspective

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