
The writing and the Counting 
 ABSTRACT: It is no coincidence that, in her latest book entitled Love me tender, Constance Debré presents her choice, this “demission de tout” (2020, p. 41) which corresponds to “l’indifférence du néant” (2014, p. 111) identified by Jaquet in the thought of Blaise Pascal. Debré invites us to reflect on the analysis that goes through a course of class defection. The narrator seeks the essential, what remains when one is stripped of everything, even of love. Even of maternal love. It is in this idealistic quest to find the self that would not be determined by social assignment, the self-detached from the multiple social roles that limit, including the mother role, that Debré may find an opening, a little air. In a dispossessed life, of course, but still, full.

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