
The article presents the first "Emergency pedagogy atelier" organized by the University of Salento with the collaboration of the Roma Tre University and the University of L'Aquila and with the participation of the founder of the NGO PenPath operating in Afghanistan and connected from here. The initiative was created to propose and verify the effectiveness and functionality of a format conceived in the context of the Siped Emergency Pedagogy working group. The initiative aimed to integrate the more traditionally seminar dimension of in-depth study and dissemination of educational issues with that of the opening of a space-time of direct and live contact with subjects and realities in emergency. Thanks to their direct intervention, it was intended to focus on specific issues which, particularly felt in the context of an emergency, are however of significant general interest. Three, therefore, the central passages: 1) the clarification, in paragraph 1, of the formal horizon (the lenses) with which to look at the phenomenon covered by the Pedagogical Atelier in more and, therefore, the specification of the opportunity to think and engage in a field of reflection and pedagogical practice specifically dedicated to emergency; 2) the definition, in paragraph 2, of a revisable and implementable model for the realization of the meeting where the presence of testimonies, documentation, glimpses of life in an emergency, as well as the activation of systems for monitoring the experience by end users; 3) the centering, also starting from the institutional framework of action of privileged witnesses (paragraph 3), of focused themes (gender issues and education of girls) of particular importance not only for the hosted context but also, for transposition, for reality closest to us (paragraph 4) and in any case not unrelated to the issues dealt with for the specific context in emergency.

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