
ObjectivesThe aim of the study is to analyze mean degree of prototypicality of the symptoms composing the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) model evaluated by non-specialized populations in the field of psychopathy. The other aim is to compare these degrees with another study among Norwegian participants (Hoff et al., 2012). This model is atheoritical. It is composed by 33 symptoms regrouped into six domains (Attachment, Behavioral, Cognitive, Dominance, Emotional, Self). This comparison is qualitative. MethodIn this study, students were interviewed with a French survey composed of demographic variables and 42 symptoms (33 CAPP symptoms and 9 foils) among undergraduated students (n=139). These students are largely from psychological sciences faculty in Belgium. The mean age is 19 years (SD=1.37; Min–Max=18–28). Participants are majority female (77.7%; n=108). A large part is Belgian (81.2%). We provided a glossary describing the symptoms of the CAPP and foils. Students were asked to assess the prototypicality of the 42 symptoms relative to the best example of a psychopathic client with a 7-point Likert scale (1=Low prototypical; 7=Highly prototypical). We performed descriptive analyses to extract the mean of the symptoms. In order to analyze them, we create categories based on previous research on the CAPP (Cooke et al., 2012). The categories are highly prototypical (>5); moderately prototypical (between 4 and 4.99); low prototypical (between 3 and 3.99); very low prototypical (<3). We used these categories in order to compare previous international study among Norwegian participants (Hoff et al., 2012). ResultsConcerning the Attachment domain, only Unempathic symptom is highly prototypical among both populations. The students evaluate others symptoms between low and moderately prototypical. Concerning the Behavioral domain, only the Aggressive symptom is highly prototypical for both populations. The symptom Lacks perseverance is very low prototypical for both populations. The students evaluate other symptoms between low and moderately prototypical. Concerning the Cognitive domain, no symptom was evaluated highly prototypical by the students. The symptom Lack of planfulness is very low prototypical for both populations. Concerning the Dominance domain, the symptoms Domineering, Deceitful and Manipulative are highly prototypical for both populations. Concerning the Emotional domain, the symptoms Lacks emotional depth, Lacks emotional stability and Lacks remorse are highly prototypical for both populations. Concerning the Self-domain, the Self-centered symptom is highly prototypical for both populations. The symptoms Self-aggrandizing, Sense of uniqueness, Sense of entitlement, Sense of invulnerability and Self-justifying are evaluate moderately prototypical by the students and highly prototypical by the Norwegian population. In summary, nine symptoms are highly prototypical (>5). Sixteen symptoms are moderately prototypical (between 4 and 4.99). Six symptoms are low prototypical (between 3 and 3.99). Finally, two symptoms are very low prototypical (<3). Most of the symptoms assessed by students are lower than those assessed by the Norwegian population. On the other hand, distractors assessed by students have higher averages than those assessed by the Norwegian population. ConclusionsThe students have a different vision than the Norwegian population. The differences can be cultural. However, the student results cannot be generalized because there are mainly students from only one faculty. Furthermore, psychopathy is often mentionned in the television series. People watch a lot a series actually. So, it is possible that people are biased by the examples in the media. Other participants from different faculties and jobs have to be interviewed. In the future, it could be interesting if the prototype needs all the symptoms or only some of them. In case of partial need, it is useful to construct sub-categories for people with a non-prototypical profile but with symptoms corresponding to psychopathy. The prototypical analysis could be extended to other personality or mental disorders.

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