
This qualitative exploratory study examined the language/literacy tasks performed by elementary students from six elementary French Immersion (FI) classrooms. Various literacy tasks were performed as students rotated through different literacy centres/stations which had been pre-planned by their teachers. Specifically, researchers investigated students’ oral production and opportunities for extended oral output when working at independent learning centres/stations in order to identify key principles for creating literacy-enhancing tasks suitable for developing language literacy skills within second language (L2) contexts. Data were collected through classroom observations ( n = 23) to identify the types of literacy/language tasks proposed to L2 students, the nature of communicative functions, the targeted learning outcomes, and principles of effective L2 learning tasks. Results demonstrate the importance of adapting pedagogical practices, such as literacy centres/stations, borrowed from the first language teaching contexts to maximize L2 literacy/language learning and meet the specific needs of FI students. Results also highlighted the importance of ongoing professional learning opportunities for FI teachers specific to their L2 teaching contexts. Researchers propose principles for creating literacy/language tasks that promote oral language learning in FI contexts.

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