
A case of Kyrle's disease in a known patient of Type 2 DM and CKD presented with left ventricular failure is reported. He had papulo-nodular brown lesions in both arms and legs on extensor surface characterized by central keratin plugs. Lesions were non-tender and numerous. Intense pruritus was present. He recovered with anti-failure regime and hemodialysis. Dermatological lesions were treated by Isotretinoin, vitamin A, Tretinoin cream and oral antihistamines. I. Case-report A 39 years old Hindu male was admitted with shortness of breath and cough for 2 days. On examination, B.P was 180/110 mm Hg. and bilateral coarse crackles, raised JVP and S3 were present. He was a known diabetic for the past 10 years , developed nephropathy for last 2 years and was undergoing maintenance hemodialysis for last 5 months. On general examination, he was found to have multiple brown papulo-nodular lesions with central keratin plug and silvery scales distributed over the anterior aspect of both thighs and legs (Fig-1) . There were also numerous papules of varying size on the extensor aspect of both elbows (Fig-2) . The lesions were non-tender and associated with severe pruritus. With treatment, he was relieved of LVF. Subsequently dialysis was done for CKD. Necessary investigations (FBS, PPBS, Blood urea, serum creatinine, serum sodium and potassium, USG abdomen) were done for type-2 D.M. and CKD .The dermatological lesions were diagnosed to be Kyrle's disease.

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