
The transition towards renewable energy sources (RES) reduces the available rotational inertia in the power system while the uneven distribution of RES leads to uneven distribution of inertia as well. Fast frequency response (FFR) provided by resources that can change the active power fast is seen as a potential solution to mitigate large and fast frequency changes after disturbances in low-inertia systems. The resources that provide the FFR service have different contributions to the frequency stability enhancement after the disturbance, depending on the inertia of the part of the system in which they are located, as well as the distance from the location where the disturbance occurred. In this paper, the locational impact of FFR resources on the frequency response of the system after a disturbance is analysed and an index that defines the value of resources depending on the location is proposed. Performed analysis should provide valuable information to transmission system operators regarding spatial allocation of participating FFR resources that contribute most to frequency stability

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