
Change is a significant characteristic of the times we live in. As changes are reflected on the entire population, the response to them should be appropriate. The positive influence of physical exercise on anthropological status can hardly be compared to any other human activity, and the link between physical exercise, motor and functional abilities on one hand, and physical health and the quality of living, on the other, should not be ignored. Applied research and its consistent implementation in practice are the prerequisites for achieving quality in this extremely important area. An overview of experiences that contribute to the quality of kinesiology education as a prerequisite for survival shows that special attention should be paid to the status of anthropological features, as an essential precondition for individualisation, but also to the consequences of the individual approach to its optimisation. Organisational forms of work in the physical education and health care areas, as well as the proper application of these forms in line with the paradigm that has been effective in practice many times, are also important factors of individualisation and the quality of work in kinesiology education. Bearing this in mind, the response of society to an increasing number of challenges of modern civilisation must be aligned with the outreach of the science of kinesiology and kinesiological methodology as its applied discipline. Given the 'stake', only the best answer is a good enough answer.


  • Кратки научни прилогRezime: Značajno obilježje vremena u kojem živimo su promjene. Kako se te promjene odražavaju na cjelokupnu populaciju, odgovor na njih treba biti primjeren

  • Applied research and its consistent implementation in practice are the prerequisites for achieving quality in this extremely important area

  • An overview of experiences that contribute to the quality of kinesiology education as a prerequisite for survival shows that special attention should be paid to the status of anthropological features, as an essential precondition for individualisation, and to the consequences of the individual approach to its optimisation

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Кратки научни прилог

Rezime: Značajno obilježje vremena u kojem živimo su promjene. Kako se te promjene odražavaju na cjelokupnu populaciju, odgovor na njih treba biti primjeren. Organizacijski oblici rada u tjelesnom i zdravstvenom odgojno-obrazovnom području te odgovarajuća primjena modaliteta rada prema višestruko potvrđenoj paradigmi također su bitan čimbenik individualizacije, ali i kvalitete rada u kineziološkoj edukaciji. Pozitivan utjecaj kineziologa i stručno programiranog tjelesnog vježbanja na antropološki status je teško usporediv s bilo kojom ljudskom aktivnošću (Hardman, 2002; Jensen, 2003; Findak i sur., 2003; Findak, Prskalo, 2005; Findak, Neljak, 2006), te ne treba zanemariti vezu tjelesnog vježbanja, motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti i zdravstvenog statusa, uvjeta kvalitetnog življenja (Vuori, 2004; Warburton et al, 2006; Horst et al, 2007). Na taj način sat tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture postaje ne samo temeljni organizacijski oblik rada već temelj kvalitete u edukaciji. Organizacijski oblici rada u tjelesnom i zdravstvenom odgojno-obrazovnom području s obzirom na obrazovne razine određene prema dobnom kriteriju u Republici Hrvatskoj (Findak, 1992; 1995; 1999; Prskalo, Babin, 2010).

Pohodi i planinarenje Dopunski programi
Realno Poželjno
Srednja škola
Suvremene tehnologije i kvaliteta kineziološke edukacije
Individualizacija i kvaliteta u edukaciji
Predmetna Srednja škola nastava
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