
Bu calismada kuruya cikarma sirasinda, California Mastitis Test (CMT) sonuclarinin somatik hucre sayimi (SHS) ve bakteriyolojik muayene sonuclari ile karsilastirilmasi ve de CMT’nin kuru donem baslangicinda enfekte meme loblarinin belirlenmesinde etkinliginin ortaya konmasi amaclandi.Bu amacla 40 adet Holstein irki inege ait 157 meme lobu (3 meme lobu kor idi) verileri degerlendirildi. Saglikli meme loblarindan alinan sut orneklerine son sagim oncesi CMT yapildi ve sonuclar ayni kisi tarafindan yorumlandi. Bu uygulamadan sonra her bir meme lobundan somatik hucre sayimi ve bakteriyolojik muayene icin sut ornekleri toplandi. Somatik hucre sayimi IBC-M Bactoscan ile bakteriyolojik izolasyon ise konvansiyonel yontemle yapildi. CMT sonuclari ile SHS’lari karsilastirildiginda, CMT negatif meme loblarinda ortalama SHS 155.178, suphelilerde 221.750, +1 olanlarda 635.400, +2 reaksiyon verenlerde ise 1.782.000 hucre/ml olarak belirlendi. Bakteriyolojik acidan ureme olan meme loblarinda somatik hucre sayisi ortalamasi 195.350 iken ureme olmayanlarda ise 304.400 hucre/ml idi. Enfekte meme loblarinin %18,34’unde S. aureus, %6,4’unde Bacillus spp., %2,75’inde miks enfeksiyon ve diger meme loblarinda Streptekok spp., E. coli, Klebsiella ve Kandida izole edildi. Ureme olan ve olmayan gruplara ait ortalama somatik hucre sayilari arasindaki fark, istatistiksel acidan anlamli degildi (p>0,05).Sonuc olarak kuruya cikarilan ineklerde; subklinik meme ici enfeksiyonlarin belirlenmesinde CMT’inin tek basina yeterli olmadigi, CMT sonuclarinin bakteriyolojik muayene sonuclari ve SHS ile birlikte degerlendirilmesinin daha saglikli sonuc verecegi kanisina varildi.SummaryThe aim of this study was to compare California Mastitis Test (CMT) findings with Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and bacteriological examination at the dry-off, and to investigate the effectiveness of the CMT to detect the infected quarters at the beginning of the dry period.For this purpose, A total of 160 milk samples collected from quarters of 40 Holstein cows. 157 of these quarters were normal and 3 of them were blind. CMT was made before the last milking and the results was interpreted by the same person. After this examination milk samples were collected from each quarter for SCC and bacteriological isolation. Somatic Cell Count was made with IBC-M Bactoscan and isolation of bacteria was made conventionally. The mean SCC were 155,178 cell/ml, 221,750 cell/ml, 635,400 cell/ml, 1782,000 cell/ml, respectively, according to the CMT results. The mean SCC of the quarters that bacteriologic growth was detected were 195,350 cell/ml and the mean SCC of the quarters that bacteriologic growth was not isolated were 304,400 cells/ml. The infected quarters with S aureus (%18,34), with Bacillus spp. (%6,4), and mix infections and one for each quarter was infected with Streptococcus spp., E.coli, Klebsiella, Candida spp. Difference in SCC levels between infected and non-infected groups was not significant statistically (P > 0,05).In conclusion, only CMT was not adequate to determine subclinical intramammary infections at the dry-off cows, and to evaluate the findings of CMT with the results of bacteriological examination and SCC.

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